ChiYoga is a flowing Hatha Yoga, which transfers the traditional Indian Yoga into the today’s time and orients itself at the needs and possibilities of the people of the 21st century. ChiYoga is based on tradition and at the same time refreshingly undogmatic and free. In the style of Vinyasa Yoga, we combine dynamic, flowing movements with calm and conscious breathing.

We orientate ourselves on the seasons with their inherent themes in order to find our way back to naturalness, which is not only the basis of all of us but is also very healing. The alignment principles in ChiYoga allow a highly individual furnishing of the asana. In addition, in ChiYoga, the free breath and the feeling of coming into being are at the centre of the practice. Woven on the thread of breathing, carried by attentiveness and sensitivity, we dive into the body with all our senses and cultivate an attention that expands and stops commenting on and judging what shows itself. This gradually leads to an immediate presence in which feelings such as peace, joy, happiness, freedom, oneness or connectedness can unfold spontaneously and naturally.

In her clearly structured classes, LuNa likes to pick up a verse from the source texts of yoga, which runs through her practice as a “red thread” and is reflected in the asanas, the flows, her speech and music. She is inspired by poetry and philosophy, combines tradition with modernity and gives inspiration so that yoga can work in everyday life.


22.-26. July 2019

For who?

Here you can book your room at mama thresl during this period.

LuNa Schmidt

LuNa (Lucia Nirmala) Schmidt is a yoga teacher BDY/EYU, breathing therapist, bodyworker (thai massage and Watsu) and author of books. Since 1993 she has been active in adult education and is in demand as a lecturer in various yoga teacher training courses. For nymphenburger-Verlag she has written three books “atmen – jetzt”, published in 2013, “DetoxYoga”, published in 2014 and “FaszienYoga”, published in 2015.
In order to experience and live yoga, one does not have to be ascetic, retreat into a cave somewhere in the Himalayas or try to correspond to the common yoga clichés. A profound yoga practice is also possible in our urban environment.
LuNa has the ability to explain complex topics in an understandable and simple way without losing depth. She has developed an incomparable, undogmatic teaching style that is deeply rooted in yoga. One of LuNa’s goals is to pass on the essence of the timeless yoga teachings in a lively, everyday and understandable language so that they can be consciously integrated into everyday life.
It is permeated by Kashmir Shivaism, especially the Pratyabhijña and Spanda traditions, a millennia-old mystical path free of dogmas, strict commandments, sophisticated practices or stylized rituals. It is an anarchistic, revolutionary yoga path to experience freedom and happiness.
LuNa conducts seminars, workshops and retreats worldwide and teaches at her training institute BodyMindSpirit in Zurich. and

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